Eating During Oral Surgery Recovery
Immediately following surgery, have extreme caution with all hot temperature beverages or foods, including coffee, tea, hot chocolate or soups as the numbness from the anesthesia will leave you unable to detect items that are too hot. We encourage you to drink fluids immediately following surgery and gradually begin eating softer foods as soon as possible. DO NOT use a straw for the first 2 weeks after surgery and avoid brittle, crunchy or sharp-edged foods for several days. A diet rich in protein, such as eggs, soft meats, or cottage cheese, is desirable to promote healing. Any patients who had grafting of bone or soft tissue must be on a soft to liquid diet for 7 to 10 days, and must limit themselves to chewing on the opposite side of the graft site.
Blender Information
Many favorite foods may already be soft enough such as a smoothie, protein shake, mashed potatoes, omelets or yogurt. Additionally, by using a blender or food processor and adding some liquid, most food can be made soft. Otherwise, commercial baby food or nutritional supplements may be used. Considering enhancing the flavor with favorite seasonings.
Blender Method
Place liquid in a blender.
Add food.
Blend on low until smooth.
You may need to add additional liquid or increase the blender speed to reach the desired consistency.
Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional Supplements provide liquid nutrition in a convenient form. These products are not essential but can be helpful as part of a meal or snack.
Some products to look for at your drug store or grocery store:
• Boost*
• Carnation Instant Breakfast
• Ensure, Ensure Plus
• Essentials*
• NuBasics*, NuBasics Plus*
• Resource, Resource Plus*, Resource for Kids*
• Pediasure* (for children)
Note: *These items are lactose-free. Vitamin and mineral supplements are not necessary with a well-balanced diet. However, if you find that you are not able to regularly consume the recommended number of servings from the United States Department of Agriculture, it would be beneficial to take a vitamin and mineral supplement.
Ask your pharmacist to help you choose a suitable variety, since you may need this supplement in liquid form.
Helpful Tips
If you can’t tolerate lactose or are allergic to dairy, try the following:
• Use Lactaid milk (if you are lactose intolerant) or soy milk (if you are allergic to dairy)
• Use a lactose-free nutritional supplement (they may not be milk-free) as part of a meal or snack
• Use a soy-based frozen dessert such as Tofutti in place of ice cream in beverage recipes
The Rule of Twos:
• 2000 calories a day
• 2 liters of liquid a day
Significant dehydration can occur over 1-2 days. Drinking should be strictly enforced by the caregiver, whether or not the patient desires to drink.
All patients benefit from proper nutrition which includes proteins, carbohydrates and fats (yes, even fats!) Supplements, such as Ensure, Boost, Powerade, and Gatorade add calories and help the healing process. Be CREATIVE!
Contact our office if you should have any questions or concerns.