Choose the No-Slip Solution
When you meet a friend for lunch, you want to enjoy a good meal and conversation. You don’t want to worry that your dentures will slip out of place and embarrass you. Dentures are a cost-effective replacement for missing teeth that many people find adequate. But held in place with adhesives, they’re prone to slipping and irritating your gums. We want you to know that there’s a reliable alternative to dentures in Issaquah, WA. Permanently anchored in your jaw, dental implants never slip out of place. Restoring the function and look of natural teeth, dental implants can replace a single tooth, add reliability to your existing denture, or renew a full mouth of missing teeth. So you can enjoy that lunch date—and all other normal daily activities—without worrying about your teeth.
As an oral surgeon, Dr. Clayhold is a dental implant expert. In fact, he’s placed more than 10,000 of them! With his specialty training—including six years after his medical and dental school—he has the expertise to give you the best results. What’s more, with training in both oral surgery and medicine, he can handle the most complex cases—and even administer multiple forms of anesthesia himself. Loose dentures causing concern? Painful dentures making you uncomfortable? Dr. Clayhold is here for you. With his exceptional training and technology, he can help you enjoy life to the fullest again with dental implants.

Life Is Better with Dental Implants
- Eat, speak, laugh, and smile
- Feel more self-confident
- Enjoy all your favorite foods
- Go easier on your gums
- Give up messy adhesives forever

First Steps to That Better Life
Not all patients who come to us are immediately candidates for dental implants. But in most cases, Dr. Clayhold can make you eligible for implants with one or two initial procedures. They’re part of the comprehensive dental implant services he provides here in one convenient Issaquah, WA location. If you have some unhealthy teeth that you want Dr. Clayhold to replace with implants, they’ll have to be removed. Careful, pain-free tooth extractions are second nature to an experienced oral surgeon like him.
Dental implants require a full, strong jawbone. Sometimes, though, tooth loss or oral trauma may cause bone loss. In order to recover the loss, using the newest, most innovative procedures, Dr. Clayhold performs bone grafting procedures that restore the one that was lost. Once your treatment is completed, your jaw should be able to securely—and permanently—anchor dental implants. Even if you have a few issues you need addressed first, you don’t have to settle for dentures in Issaquah, WA. You don’t have to settle for a poor quality of life. Not with an oral surgeon like Dr. Clayhold on the job!